Battery Technologies

Award-Winning and Game-Changing Battery Technologies

Battery Technologies Innovation toward energy storage with a lower carbon CO2 footprint

The founders of (Swiss Battery) have been awarded with multiple prestigious awards and multimillion funding for their contribution to cutting-edge battery research and high-energy density battery technologies.

For more information about the Swiss Battery Technologies, please contact one of our representatives of the Swiss Battery Team.

High-Power Battery Technologies

Superbattery for electric cars. The US ARPA-e project was awarded with 1.6 million US$

Low-cost-battery manufacturing

The Swiss Gov. awarded the project for battery electrode processing using water

Lithium Polymer Battery Technologies

Polymer-based lithium battery with an energy density of >200 Wh/kg. The US Californian investor-funded project awarded one million US$
Swiss Battery

Mandated by the swiss federal authorities, the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF) supports basic science and applied basic science in all academic disciplines. The SNSF provides funding for research projects and for research career. By awarding fellowships and special grants, the SNSF also supports young researchers.

ARPA-e is one of the most competitive high-impact research funding schemes in the United States. ARPA-e supports promising high-risk high-gain energy research projects in the US which could be game-changing in the near future. 

Foto of Battery Technologies in laboratory
Why are Batteries important?
How does a battery work?

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